
Compost is decomposed organic material, which you can add to your garden instead of synthetic fertilizers. Bacterias in the soil can break down the biodegradable trash and transform it into a product that enriches your soil and will help you grow vigorous plants. Compost is full of nutrients and good bacterias that can help resist bugs and diseases. It also absorbs and retains water, helps loosen clay soil, stimulates healthy root development, and provides food for microorganisms, which keeps the soil healthy.

Moreover home composting is free because you use only kitchen waste, lawn clippings, and other vegetation you would normally throw away. You can even save money from landfill fees and from not having to buy any more fertilizers.

Besides home compost being so beneficial for your veggies, herbs, or flowers, it will also help you reduce your carbon footprint. Studies show that food scraps and yard waste make up for a third of what is thrown away. When organic waste is sent to landfill, its decomposition releases methane, a harmful greenhouse gas. This happens because air cannot get to organic waste in a landfill. In the case of home composting aeration is an important step and therefore hardly any methane is produced. Home composting also leads to reduced fossil fuel consumption from waste transportation.

Start composting in your homes now and reduce your carbon footprint!

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