The choices we make everyday have an effect on the environment and your community- either harming or helping Goa stay green and clean and healthy.
What can you do day to day to make a difference?
Green Goa Works has an extensive list of services and eco-products to help you function in harmony with the environment.
We offer a wide range of services that will help you harness the goodness of the earth while conserving the environment. You can also contact us with inquiries for any other environmental problems which you encounter during the course of everyday modern living. All our services are provided on a low cost and very reasonable basis that allows for us to recover the actual cost of materials and labour without any profit.
LIVE HAPPY lives by the simple motto that ‘Happiness Increases When Shared’. Have you not had a good laugh sitting among friends and family, on dinners together, on old school re-unions, on running into a long lost friend, on lending a smile to someone who needs it? Have you not spent time thinking afterwards, still reeling with the moments lived and the happiness shared? We at LIVE HAPPY want to spread the sheer joy of living through activities that respect and celebrate the natural and cultural heritage of Goa whilst simultaneously empowering its local residents.
The Goa Foundation is the most well known of Goa’s environmental action groups. Founded in 1986 by a group of Goan environmentalists each flighting his or her own individual environmental battles, the organisation today commands the respect of judiciary, government and the general public for persisting with its environment agenda for more than three decades.
The work of the Foundation spans different areas and fields, all related in some way or another with the conservation of Goa’s natural environment.
Shubhankar Environmental Services are on a mission. Our foremost principal is respecting the values, the life forms, the beauty, the giving attitude that Mother Earth is enriched with. The firm is launched with the idea of being the Change Makers. We work on different aspects of environmental conservation with main focus being on energy management and waste management.
We hold space, listen deeply, ask powerful questions and engage in conversations that matter. We believe that many of the issues in the world could be ameliorated once we all speak with intention and listen with attention.
DISHA CHARITABLE TRUST is a voluntary organization based in Panaji (Goa, India.) The trust was formed in 1994 when a group of parents of mentally disadvantaged children, felt the urgent necessity to initiate an awareness programme in the field of mental retardation, and to have a permanent institution which would provide the emotional, educational, and conducive environmental needs, which play a key role in the rehabilitation and social integration of the mentally impaired individuals.
Started in April 2018, Ecoposro has already become a favourite among the locals, who have personally witnessed the benefits of shopping from a zero-waste store.