Press Release World Env Day 2024
There has been so much happening in the development sector in Goa – with various amendments and laws being passed, and the same being rejected by the citizens of state. So we at Act for Goa have taken upon ourselves to shed some light and give an insight into some of these issues:
Finally, the State government has notified a total of 46.11 square kilometers of privately held land as forest more than two decades after the process of demarcating private forests in the State first began. The notification also attaches a table of the survey numbers of land notified as private forest. – Via Prudent Media
What does this mean though?
1. It means the private forest area is now protected under the forest act which means its as good as being a Govt. forest as it conforms to the canopy density, tree sizes and diversity required to be designated as a forest and is contiguous with a 5 hectares of other forested areas.
2. Private means the ownership still rests with the legal owner of the land, however no development or cutting of trees can take place on it.
To know more about this notification, we recommend you read the following article:
In line with Act for Goa’s campaign – Planning Development and Infrastructure, we shot an interview conducted by Act for Goa’s co-founder Jill Ferguson with Dean D’cruz – one of Goa’s prominent activists, who is widely known for being a sustainable architect and urban planner while also being the co-founder of Act for Goa.
From this interview, learn of the details of the Regional Development Plan for Goa that Dean was on the planning committee of – how it defines development in Goa and the process involved in planning the same, in addition to having other relevant, important subjects covered such as Nature vs. Development, the various land classification schemes in place for Goa, what roles we as citizens can play in determining how Goa develops over time, etc.
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