

What if there were a better way to dispose of our waste? Goa’s Clinton Vaz has created an initiative to combat garbage in the state. His company, vRecycle, collects people’s waste from their doorstep, divided into ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ (mostly food) types. Wet waste is composted to make fertilizer, and dry waste is sorted into one of 20 categories. Things that aren’t recyclable are then handed over to the government, which incinerates most of the rest of it, generating electricity in the process. After all this, only about 1% of the original waste is left that is neither recyclable or burnable, mostly diapers. Due to Vaz’s initiative, his local village of Varca in South Goa has seen litter disappear from its streets, as residents now have an easy system to help them get rid of their household waste.

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