

“The self-cleaning mechanism of nature”


Miramar Beach Clean Up
27th August 2020
Initiated by a group of friends.
Gaurav Pokle did a fantastic job towards Goa , along with his friends.

Thanks to heavy rains over the past few weeks in Goa, tonnes of garbage including plastic, thermocol and rubber can be seen at Goa’s Beach. (Miramar, morjim, anjuna)

The recent floods washed away tonnes of waste from the streets, drains to the nalas & rivers which carried them to the sea, only to be thrown back onto the shores.

The floods have exposed how reckless disposal of garbage is destroying the fragile eco system and marine life in Goa. it is a wake up call for all Goans. Goans & tourism adding it could be too late for damage control.

“Immersion of idols, photos, flowers, metals in water bodies ”

Common man with no knowledge of the consequences of their activities might have accepted this reality as desirable thus celebrating these festivals with enthusiasm. However, after knowing the ill effects of our actions, we, as responsible citizens of the country and as a part of the global community, are in no position to turn a deaf ear to the pleas of Mother Nature and shut our eyes to the deteriorating condition of the water bodies. History books taught us how in the Vedic ages people used to worship various forces of nature. Ages have passed and we are now living in a world where we worship idols of stone and overlook the damage we cause to those very forces of nature that our forefathers once revered. Before our river beds dry up and the water in these rivers became too poisonous for natural consumption, we have to take strict action to tackle the pollution caused by idol immersion. The solution is not to give up idol worship altogether but it is to come up with ways to celebrate the festivals in an eco-friendly way.


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