

Green Polymer, a start-up by youth Dave, Sohail, Ezekiel and Kellen, residents from Chorao and Diwar Island, a Waste Management company that aims to upcycle-hard to recycle materials-, or materials that can’t be recycled to useful products, while also currently working on making bricks from non-recyclable materials like MLP (multi layered plastics ie chips biscuit packets and other food packaging) and demolition waste. They also have started community projects in Chorao and Diwar where they clean the islands with a group of volunteers and collect waste for Sao Mathias panchayat in Diwar island.






1.  How was this start-up born?

  • The startup was born after a road trip which we had taken in June 2019 where we saw most of the roads we were driving on, littered with plastic waste. After speaking to a couple of people we got to know that the waste had no recycling value hence no one picked it up. We also got to know that a lot of areas in Goa don’t have a waste collection system and hence, we felt the need to fill this gap.

2. Why did Green Polymer feel called to do work in waste management/creating an eco-friendly product? 

  • Basically we just wanted to have our surroundings clean and green and not filled with waste hence we came up with a solution (plastic bricks) so we could convert this waste into something useful.

3. What are some of the difficulties you have faced while trying to do this work?

  • One of the most difficult things we faced was the lack of education regarding proper segregation and disposal of waste at source (homes and businesses), Also a lethargic approach of local bodies (mainly panchayats) is another issue.

4. What has been the most rewarding part of this experience?

  • Seeing a place or area restored to its pristine condition without any garbage is the most rewarding thing.

5. What is your plan moving forward?

  • We look forward to converting as much of non-recyclable materials into useful products. We also look forward to creating awareness about the problems of plastic pollution especially ocean plastic as we are a coastal state. We also want to work with as many government and non-government organisations to create a garbage free environment.

6. What type of support do you need, if any to continue the work you are doing on ground?

  • We need some form of governmental or investor help with regard to capital, as setting up a full fledged brick production facility is expensive. We would also love people to come forward and have cleanliness drives etc to clean dump spots. Lastly we would love people to buy our products and help keep the environment clean.

7. What do you hope to be the biggest lesson in all of this?

  • We hope for more people to start upcycling, rather than throwing things away and also for people to be more environmentally conscious.

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