Count Us In’s mission is to inspire 1 billion citizens to
significantly reduce their carbon pollution and
challenge leaders to deliver bold, global change.
Count Us In’s mission is to inspire 1 billion citizens to
significantly reduce their carbon pollution and
challenge leaders to deliver bold, global change.
Over 99% of scientists agree. It’s real. It’s here. People are
responsible for it. And if we do nothing, things will get much
worse for us all.
Some of us have already had our lives overturned by
climate change. Many of us haven’t – yet. As the world gets
hotter, floods, fires, droughts, pollution and crop failures will
become more severe and disrupt life as we know it all over
the world. Many of the things we take for granted will be
taken away from us – forever.
It is not too late. We have a choice, and what we do matters.
We can act now to protect our livelihoods and our
communities, and leave a world for our children that is
worth living for.
Reduce your plane travel to dramatically cut your carbon pollution
Make your next car purchase an electric vehicle
Install or enhance the loft insulation in your home
Buy fewer new clothes and wear them for longer
Ask politicians to act or invest to support our steps
Travel by bike or foot wherever you can
Reduce the amount of food that is wasted or thrown away in your home
Choose financial institutions and funds that invest responsibly
Repair your belongings rather than buying new
Turn down the heating in your home by a degree or more (India: turn your AC up by a degree or more)
Come together with colleagues to make change at a bigger scale
Start a conversation about Count Us In and encourage others to take a step
Reduce the amount of meat in your weekly diet
Eat food produced at its natural time of the year
Move your home to a green energy supplier
Install solar panels to generate energy for your home