

Goa’s many beach shacks are a hallmark of the state’s tourism industry, and can be seen dotting beaches during the tourist season from October through May. However, the unregulated expansion of these shacks has caused concern over the safety of Goa’s coastline ecosystems. In a case before the National Green Tribunal, a local petitioner from Goa challenged the legality of beach shacks, arguing that they lacked the appropriate approval from the Coastal Restriction Zone Management Authority (CRZMA), despite having received nominal approval from the State Government. In its judgment, the NGT ruled that the Environmental Protection Act of 2010 specifically made exception to the CRZ rule for temporary beach structures, such as Goa’s shacks, subject to approval. However, the Tribunal noted that to-date only 2 shacks had applied for licenses to operate for the season (out of hundreds of operational ones), and so directed that all shack operators submit appropriate applications to the CRZMA for operating permission.

Click here to open PDF: NGT Case Goa Beach Shacks 2014

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