


Goa is made up of interconnected ecosystems both natural and human-made. These include forests, villages, cities, rivers, plateaus and coastlines. Our environment defines who we are and we wholly rely on it to survive and thrive.

As we look to the future, we demand that the health of the entire state with all its geographies and inhabitants be at the forefront of decision-making by policymakers




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Why a manifesto?

The latest IPCC report prepared by 234 scientists from 66 countries has stated clearly that the internationally agreed threshold of 1.5 °C of global heating is “perilously close.” The report shows that greenhouse gases released by human activity have caused the world to warm by 1.1°C. The inhabitants of Goa are already suffering the consequences of this change with an increase in cyclones, untimely rainfall and sea-level rise. These weather events are taking a major toll on our homes, livelihoods and our mental and physical health.

These impacts have been exacerbated by the rampant urban development processes and extractive industries that have directly impacted our landscapes and wellbeing, all for the benefit of private profit and governmental corruption. Continuing with business as usual means the planet will heat up by 2°C within this century resulting in dire consequences for human civilization and the natural world. In the face of these threats it is vital that there is a concerted effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, restore nature and create a climate resilient economy. As the youth of Goa, we stand to be most impacted by the long-term compounding effect of these events. Young Goans understand that sustainable development is not only possible, it is necessary for our survival.

Goa’s Green Manifesto is a collaborative effort involving citizens associated with the Amche Mollem campaign, youth groups and experts in various fields. The document is a step towards a vision of development that we citizens do want to see in Goa, grounded in local cultural, scientific and legal values. It details the changes and commitments we demand from elected representatives that are consistent with this vision.



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