
Need help with an issue close to your heart?
These Individuals, Organizations, and Businesses are here to help us make Goa more sustainable.


A listing of organizations and active citizens working for a sustainable future for Goa

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    Contact: Baylon
    Work Phone: 98224 86662 Home Phone: 0832 – 2510554


    Photo of Bavish

    Waste Management is a major environmental challenge. Most of us are unable to manage our own waste causing not only visual pollution but a breeding ground for diseases causing ill health to us and the society at large.

    Disposing of waste in an environmentally-friendly manner is crucial to your business as well as mankind. Most often we are not aware about where our waste is carried to or how it is treated. We at BAVISH decided to bridge the gap by doing our bit to solve the problem. Through a systematic, environmentally friendly approach, we have been providing and assisting in waste management solutions since last 19 years in Goa.

    1.  Collection
    2. Segregation
    3. Recycling


    A listing of organizations and active citizens working for a sustainable future for Goa

      This information will be reviewed by the administrator befor listing it.

      Apply to join the directory