

On the website you can find:

  • Verified numbers of #testlabs
  • Verified numbers of #ambulances
  • Verified numbers of home chefs and restaurants delivering #food for COVID-19 patients
  • Verified numbers of #Pharmacies and who delivers essential covid medicines at your doorstep
  • Verified numbers of #petsitters to take care of your pets when you get COVID-19 ?
  • Verified numbers of COVID #care centers
  • Verified numbers of #Oxygen Suppliers
  • #Plasma resources
  • Numbers of their #volunteers who can help you get essentials delivered if you’re COVID-19+

The site also has details on Home Isolation, plasma enrollment form, link to their excel for more real time data as they make our site more data dynamic ( + a link to their emergency relief group ( if one is unable to find help there.

Lastly, they also have a ticker running with vital notifications, FAQs on how to look after yourself through this, how to look up resources on the site and a link to a crowdfunding campaign ( to help those who can’t afford it

Want to take action or join a local campaign? Become a proud volunteer with Act4Goa!