
The Citizen Charter of this Department was first published in February, 2002.
However, considering the need of the times and the changing state of affairs, it was felt
necessary to reorganize the Charter so as to provide to the citizens, a brief overview of
the functioning of this Department and the various services and remedies available
under the provisions of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 and the Rules made

Accordingly, this document is now restructured so as to provide information
about the powers, functions and duties of the various authorities functioning under this
Department, right from the Directorate level upto the Village Panchayat level. The
Charter also provides information about the services available at different levels, the
manner in which the citizens can access these services and how to seek a remedy to
their problems. This Charter does not in any way create any new legal right but attempts
to provide information to the citizens at one place and in a simple and easy manner, for
enforcing their existing rights.
It is expected that this concise document will also be useful as a handbook to
the general public and the members of the Panchayats and we feel confident that it will
meet the expectations of the citizens to a large extent.

Dated: 24.09.2008.
Place:- Panaji – Goa.

Menino D‟Souza
Director of Panchayats

Citizens CHARTER click here to view the PDF

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